We are proud to have our 3rd group of students take their O Level
Exams at the end of Grade 10. There are just four of them and their exams are scheduled to begin on Monday, 7 May 2012. They, their
parents and all of us at the school have big hopes for them.
We hope they do well in their exams, we hope they get into good
schools to continue their education, we hope they stay healthy throughout the
month of exams and perhaps uniquely for Bangladesh, we hope the opposition will
not find more to call general strikes over for the time being.
During the last two weeks we have had first three and then two
days of shut-downs (hartals) in Bangladesh. They have been linked to the disappearance
of a member of the main opposition party.
We have other hopes too, for bright futures, lives that honour
God, for joy, happiness and all good things.
Please pray with us for Adib, Omika, Oli and Priyana.
Thank you for praying. It looks like the students will be able to take their exams tomorrow. We would appreciate your continued prayers, but don't forget to give thanks for the ones God answered.