20 April 2008

Checkpoint tests

While the pupils in grade eight are taking tests that will show how ready they are to begin studying for their O Levels (Grade Ten Exams) there is time for the pupils in grade seven to do other tasks during some of the lessons they otherwise share. For the most part they study towards the targets they have set, but today there was time to take photos for a presentation to be used at a fund-raising concert in Dhaka in May.
Please pray for the eight grades as they do their tests, for fund raising and for the seventh graders as they use they get a little more individual attention while grade eight is away.
Pray also for the two teachers, Lucky and Bani, who are taking their own exams during this week and the next.

18 April 2008

Breakthrough in construction

We are happy to announce a major breakthrough in the construction work at LAMB School.
This weekend, so as to not disturb classes, the workers have broken through the wall between the two school buildings and are putting in a door so that we can easily go from one building to the other.

13 April 2008

Early to rise

When the flag won't go up, we call maintenance and in a few minutes they rise to the occasion and up goes our flag.
I didn't even make it out to get a photo until they were on their way down again.

11 April 2008

Helen Patuck and Protik Mondal in the Big Fight

At the farewell for Helen Patuck there were several competitions. Here Protik and Helen are competing on who is the strongest…

09 April 2008

Dear God

When Helen Patuck, an English shorttermer, was asked to cover a writing class in grade 5 and 6 she asked them to write letters to God. It is not an uncommon topic but the letters are often profound. I will publish some on this blog and hope you take time to enjoy and ponder at the depth of thought the children reveal. I have changed names but those who know us might still recognise the people in the letters.



Dear God,


How are you? You know that I am fine. But a little stuffy.

I have a few questions. What are you doing in heaven? Why is grass green? Why did you put poisonous creatures on Earth? Why did you create animals that kill and eat other things? Why do we die? And why should we die if we are little? or in 8th Grade? Like Gita died. Now my friend Atul has only two people in his family only Atul and his mother. Maybe because it is your will. When will I die? When will everyone die? When will there be no more BANGLADESH? Thank you for dieing for me and thank you for staying beside me. This I beg you please make me die when I’m old. And please keep my grandfather and grandmother safe. And please heal the man uncle Tom and his brother broke. They broke his bone when they were little. And now he can’t walk properly. And please keep everyone safe from any danger and please keep the people who died in the cyclone, plead keep their families safe.


Lots of love, Profullo



08 April 2008

Finishing touch

Fitting glass, tiles on work benches and a sunshade are some of the last
tasks when we don't count the floors that have to be poured and the doors
and frames that are still to be supplied. We had hoped to be ready by Bangla
New Year on Monday, 14 April, but it will probably be another few days.
Painting won't be done until after the rainy season. The specialists say we
need to wait.

LAMB English Medium School - Bangladesh