The changes have already made a positive impact on the school with better division of responsibilities.
When the doors open to a new year on Sunday we expect one hundred and nine children in twelve grades. This is the first time we have more than one hundred children, and the first time we have grade ten at the school.
There is no doubt the challenges are great, and in order to help you know what to pray I have included the list below;
* The challenges of preparing all the children for continued education after LAMB
* Children with special needs
* Teaching to the standards needed for O Level Exams next summer
* Living up to the values of serving God by serving the poor while meeting the specific needs of LAMB
* Government approvals (renewal of existing approval to run the school)
* Visas for foreign teachers
I could continue with more, but will give thanks for all that God has given us in stead;
* Many supporters who pray for the children and the school
* Good national and foreign teachers
* Great office staff working with the government offices to secure needed permits
* Good results from a Grade 8 test (externally validated)
* Sufficient funding for the school year 2008-09
* An unexpected visa in stead of an exit permit in June
* Former students getting excellent results in their Grade 12 exams
It is a privilege to be serving God here - thank you for joining us.