27 March 2007

Science Lab - The first load of bricks

The first load of picket bricks arrive

Mueed and Aunty Popy break the ground for the new science lab on 18 March 2007

Talia, Aunty Quynh and Aunty April left on 1 March 2007.

Children living with Fairness Entries (Bangla)

wbi‡c¶Zvi gv‡S wkï †eu‡P _vK‡j

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Children living with Fairness Entries

Fairness For Everyone.

One Friday morning Protik woke up. He realized it was his movie day. He jumped out from bed then he brushed his teeth and ate his breakfast. He climbed up his desk and choose his movie. The movie was called “Meena”. Meena lived in a village with her Dad, Mum, little brother Raju and her little sister Rani and her pet parrot Mithu.

Raju always went to school Meena’s dad didn’t allow Meena to go to school. One day Mithu went to school, the children were learning 2 times tables. Mithu also learned it. Mithu taught Meena. Meena learned 2 times tables from Mithu.

Meena had 6 hens. One day one of them got lost. Meena knew it was stolen. They got the hen back. At last Meena was allowed to go to school.

I learned many things from here. Also my parents encouraged me. I taught these things to people in villages and I became a boy star.

By Protik (4th Grade)

Newsletter April 2007

Dear Students and Parents,
March has been a busy month. Nearly every week has had its own schedule. The teachers and students have had to show great flexibility as they adjusted to not only new schedules, but also new classes.
Thank you all for your willingness to take up new and extra challenges.
On 18 March we officially started building the new Science lab. Thank you to all who participated and join us as we give praise and glory to God for making this next step possible.
Things go missing
We wish to thank whoever returned three envelopes containing little teaching aids for Maths. We hope and pray that the parents, with the help of God, will be able to teach their children not to steal again.
Teacher Training
On 23 March five teachers went to Lalmonirhat to train 32 teachers. We are proud to be able to share some of the blessings we have here with more teachers and thereby with more children in Bangladesh.
We welcome Tarcisius Hasdak who started teaching on the 15 March. We are pleased to have him with us. Tarcisius has many years of experience teaching in Dinajpur and we look forward to having him work with us here.
Aunty Quynh left to go on home assignment on 1 March. We hope to have the whole Parlane family back in time for the new school year on 1 August.
Aunty April who had come to visit the Parlane family left with them on 1 March.
Shaun Hutson’s last day teaching Science and Maths at the school was 21 March. We thank him for his work here.
Easter and Eid-E-Miladun-Nabi
The school will be closed for Eid-E-Miladun-Nabi and Easter from 30 March. The first day of school in April will be Tuesday, 10 April 2007.
The winners of the competition in March are Protic and Suborna.



If children live with honesty

They learn truthfulness

Write a paragraph to explain the lines from the poem ‘Children Learn What They Live’ by Dorothy Law Nolte and win Tk 50.

Entries may be in English or Bangla. The winning paragraph will be printed in the next newsletter.

Submit entries at the school office by Sunday, 18 April 2007.

Welcome to LAMB School - Bangladesh

This is the first page of LAMB School - Bangladesh.
I will come back with more postings as they become available.


LAMB English Medium School - Bangladesh