22 January 2009

Counting Our Blessings - 2008

Today I was reminded of all the things to be thankful for at LAMB School. God has been good to us and deserves our praise and honour. You can follow read the list on the right and take a moment to thank God for what he has done, then add your own.
There are many more blessings than these; look at the list of staff and visitors further down the page. Then there are also all the wonderful students we have the privilege to teach and the many moments of 'enlightenment' when a student conquers a new area of learning.
God is good.

16 January 2009

Thank you Alan!

dave armstrong came to be with alan for his last week at lamb school. while here dave set up a school bell and a sound system for us. it will be much abhorred by our neighbours but only until we get the volume adjusted down. it is good to have friends and as alan's friend you instantly became ours.

it is a mark of everybody's appreciation for the friendship and appreciation for alan that so many of us, i think it was pretty much all the staff, showed up for the farewell at alan's house. alan will be remembered at lamb school for his friendship towards everyone and for his willingness to try his hands at any task, to work hard at them, and for the ability to come out shining regardless of whether the task was hard or silly or both.
alan will also be remembered for his deep thoughts and keen interest in the difficult issues that face people at lamb and in bangladesh. he will be remembered for asking difficult and engaging questions that never allowed any kind of superficiality.

you were another of God's good gifts to us at lamb school. we will remember you and be sad for a while, but then our memories will hold only the blessing that you were.

09 January 2009

A new semester

A new semester has started at LAMB School. We have never been as blessed as we are now. We have enough teachers, yet again. We have a new teacher from England who is starting to work with us all on the quality of our education. We have two school buildings that have been painted all over (well, almost all over) and the children are learning.
We all have valid visas for the time being. I just got mine for 2009. We have funding for this year and have the promises of a faithful God.
We have all had a break from the work at the school and life is settling into its routines and it is good. Praise God.
Pray for us as we continue the work God has given us here.

LAMB English Medium School - Bangladesh