27 May 2007

Science Lab Construction

Md. Sattar, the engineer, is measuring out the area where the Science Lab will be built. Today on Pentecost the work started at on the construction site. Pray that the Spirit of God will be at work in this house.

19 May 2007

May Birthdays

We congratulate the following on their birthdays in May;

Rusho, Joy, Naomi, Ashish, Aunty Sumita, Uncle Ian, Suborna, Micha, Silme, Aunty Rahela and Jerin.

07 May 2007

May News

Dear Students and Parents,

That was April, with gifts of Easter, and opportunities. May will have new challenges and blessings. Please pray with us as we go on.


Please note that the school now is open for admission the next school year. Forms are available from the school office and in the mail room. The forms are given out free of cost.

Please remember to apply again this year if your child was not accepted last year.

Children who are enrolled need not fill in the form again.

New fees

The fees have been increased as per project policies, please see the fee schedule on the back of this paper.

Teacher Training

On 23 April, Milon Roy and Lucky Marandy were in Dhaka for training to be better qualified to teach O Levels. Bimal will be in Dhaka for training from 29 April to 3 May.


Please note that the school will implement a policy on attendance. According to the new policy children must be present at least 85% of the school days in order to be allowed to sit for the semester and year end exams. This will be implemented from 1 May 2007.


We wish to welcome

Ms Gloria Mardi who joined the school on 15 April 2007.

Ms Cari Zylstra arrived from the US on 21 April and will teach English to the teachers and take classes at the school until the end of this semester.

Dr Ian Cochrane left after another three months of training teachers. We wish to thank Uncle Ian for his input and welcome him back next year.

The Solar System, Grade 3 and 4

Grades three and four researched, wrote about and made models in the proportions 1:100 000 000 (one to one hundred million) of the planets in our solar system.

The sun is rising

All the children are holding up their planets. (Timothy is holding Pluto down near maintenance.)

Ashish and Rusho are on a different planet altogether.

Writing Competition

The winners of this April’s writing competition, Omika G5 and Lima G4

Due to technical problems with viewing Bangla font the writing will not be posted on this blog.

Farewell for Uncle Ian

Dr Ian Cochrane from Friends of LAMB in Australia (Folia) with the teachers at his farewell on 24 April 2007.

Over the past three years, ‘Uncle Ian’ has sat in on more than 150 lessons; he has held weekly in-services and taught Maths O Levels to teachers.

We are thankful to Uncle Ian for his input and to FOLIA for their contributions to LAMB School.

LAMB English Medium School - Bangladesh